Educational Programming for Parents, teens, and educators

I am available to provide workshops for teens, tweens, parents, caregivers, and educators in community organizations on a wide range of topics, including stress and anxiety management, healthy relationships, leadership training, trauma-informed parenting and teaching, effective classroom management strategies, and strengths identification. Contact me to learn more about customizing a workshop for your audience.
Speaking Engagements
I am available for speaking engagements to work with adolescents, educators, parents and caregivers on a wide range of topics related to teaching, raising, and being a healthy teen.
Titles of Some Past Presentations & Workshops

- From Procrastination to Progress: Brain-Based Strategies to Promote Teen Growth and Household Harmony
- Slay Your Stress. Stress and Anxiety Management Skill Builder Workshop for Teens
- Strategies for Parents Raising Anxiety-Prone Children
- Better TogetHER. Leadership and Empowerment Workshop for Middle School Girls
- Stress Busters. Stress Management Skill Builder Workshop for 10-14 year olds
- What to Expect During the Transition to Middle School: A Workshop for Parents
- Common Threads: Weaving a Blanket of Support for LGBTQIA+ Teens
- Introverts and Extroverts: Creating a School Climate that Serves All
- Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Creating a Classroom that Supports ALL Learners
- Putting Strengths to Work: Using Character Strengths to Promote Positive Outcomes in School
- Panelist for community screening of Angst. Topic: Child and Adolescent Anxiety
- Mental Health Issues in the Classroom: What Teachers Need to Know
- Modeling Leadership from the Parenting Perspective, Interview for Leading Ladies, Women’s Leadership Group
- Panelist: Promoting Healthy Boundaries in Your Personal and Professional Life. Leading Ladies
- Secrets of Success: What Lower School Teachers Know that Middle and Upper School Teachers Can Use
- Panelist: Parenting for a Different World Book Talk: What Made Maddy Run. Topic: Suicide Prevention
- Anxiety in the Classroom: When Kids Flip Their Lids
- Six Weeks and Counting: Supporting Teens Through Social Distancing
- Stress and Stress Management Tools for Teens
- Trauma Informed Teaching and Advising
- Anti Bullying, Anti-Harassment, and Mandated Reporter Training. Sherwood Forest Summer Camp Staff Training
- Bullying Prevention Strategies. Facebook Live interview with Chesapeake Family Magazine